You can now find our coffee in two locations in Brandon, Mb.
CAA Manitoba stocks it and now Sobeys Extra Brandon South has 13 different varieties being stocked also! We offer bean and ground because we know some people just really don't want to mess with a grinder. But if you buy a grinder you will never regret it! Just saying:)

Back to the grinder conversation, we all know grinders are loud, and Jay being the kind human that he is, decided to go above and beyond to ensure me and the kids would remain sleeping every morning.
When we moved into our current home, I noticed every morning the outside plug cover by the garage door was open. So I would close the cover every day. Finally after a few weeks of this, I asked Jay if he had noticed that every morning this plug cover was open? He said, "yes, I am grinding our coffee outside every morning so you won't wake up from the noise"! So that tells you how awesome he is plus how much we love fresh ground coffee haha!
So the moral of the story is a excellent husband AND a quality burr grinder will make EVERY morning better!